Friday, 15 June 2012

Slavic heritage

While I was preparing materails on the semantics of Russian folk embroidery I got so fascinated by the poetics of Slavic motifs and ornaments that I could not help designing my own patterns inspired by the original Russian embroideries.
Russian folk embroideries
And I'm thinking about working out a whole series of 3-4 designs dedicated to and based on the traditional Northern Russian embroidery motifs that will be called "Slavic Heritage".
Surviving pieces of double horse headed boat embroideries,
2nd half of the XIX century.

Original folk embroidery motifs of female slavic
spirits of procreation 
As soon as these desings are finished I will comment in details the meaning of each element of these patterns. And I  plan to post soon an article about the semantics of traditional Russian embroidery motifs that will as well highlighten the motifs that are in use here.

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